Protecting Your Privacy: The Laserbook247 Privacy Policy

You’re an avid cricket fan who loves the thrill of betting on matches. But you also value your privacy and security. That’s why you chose Laserbook247. As one of the top online cricket betting sites, we take privacy seriously. Our comprehensive privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. Laser Book 247 Login know transparency builds trust. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key details so you understand exactly how we safeguard your data. You’ll learn about the information we gather, why we need it, and how we handle it responsibly. We’ll also cover your rights and choices when it comes to your info. Our goal is to give you confidence that your privacy is protected so you can focus on the excitement of the match without worry. Read on to see how we’ve got your back when it comes to privacy.

How Does Laserbook247 Use Your Information?

Laser Book 247 collects basic information to help provide you the best cricket betting experience. Personal Information

When you sign up for a Laser Book 247 Login account, we ask for personal details like your name, email address, phone number and billing information. We use this to verify your identity, contact you when needed and process payments. 

Betting Information

Laser Book 247 collect details about the bets you place, winnings and losses to help provide recommendations and tailor the experience. This includes the matches, teams, players and bet types you prefer as well as your betting patterns. 

Usage Information 

We gather data on how you use the platform to improve the service. This includes pages viewed, time spent and frequency of visits. We do not collect passwords, social security numbers or other sensitive data. 

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and tracking pixels to collect usage data, remember you and personalize your experience. You can disable cookies in your browser settings but it may impact functionality. We do not share or sell this information to third parties.

Laserbook247 takes privacy seriously and only collects personal information needed to provide an exceptional cricket betting experience. We keep your data safe and never share or sell it without your permission. You have the right to access, correct or delete your data at any time. Just drop us a message and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Securing Your Data: Laserbook247’s Commitment to Privacy

Laserbook247 collects your personal information when you register and use our services. We use this information to provide you with a better experience and ensure the security and integrity of our platform.

Account Registration

When you create an account, we ask for information like your name, address, phone number and date of birth. This information is used to verify your identity and ensure you meet the minimum age requirement of 18 to open an account. 

Betting Activity

We keep records of your betting activity, winnings and losses to comply with responsible gambling regulations. This information also helps us provide you with statistics on your betting performance over time. However, we do not share details of your betting activity with any third parties.

Payment Information

If you deposit or withdraw funds from your account, we collect payment information which is used solely to process your transactions. We work with trusted third-party payment processors to handle transactions and do not store your full payment card or bank account numbers. 


We use your personal information and activity on our platform to detect fraudulent activity and ensure the security of your account. Our system analyses factors like your location, login times and betting patterns to flag any suspicious activity. We may contact you to verify some transactions as an additional security measure.


If you opt-in to receive marketing communications from us, we may use your information to personalise offers and promotions. You can opt-out of marketing at any time through your account settings or by contacting our support team.

We do not share or sell your personal information to any other companies for marketing purposes. Your privacy and the security of your information are extremely important to us.